While Brett was gone, I had plenty of time to work my part-time job as a virtual assistant to my big sis Jessica (aka Fishmama). Throughout the month of April, I helped format her latest project...

Summer Survival Guide
A 200+ page ebook full of summertime inspiration for planning family fun. Includes 38 printable and/or customizable pages as well as ideas for home management, emergency preparedness, family fun, and more.
As someone who has personally read every one of the 200+ pages in this book, I can confidently say that it is worth every penny of its $9 price! If you're interested in learning more about the book, click on the link above or photo to the left. You can even view the Table of Contents as well as a sample to see if it is right for you and your family.
My summer is sure to be one of upheaval as we pack up and prepare to move to law school. However, I still want it to be a fun summer for my girls. By implementing some of the ideas in the Summer Survival Guide, I think we just might pull it off.
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