Guess how much I paid for all this stuff at Rite Aid...really, just guess. If it helps, the regular retail would be $26.85. Now that I've just typed that, it seems like an insane price to pay for what's in the picture. There is NO WAY that I would ever pay pay $26.85 for that. But, I would pay...
No, that's not a typo. $1.66 is what I will have paid after I get my Single Check Rebates. Crazy, I know. Everything was on sale, I used a couple coupons and they're are some free items after the Single Check Rebates. Here's the deal breakdown along with a couple of frugal tips:
- Tootsie Pops Miniatures (135 count) - These are on sale for 50% regular retail thanks to the post-Halloween clearance. Our local Rite Aid has a HUGE SELECTION of candy right now...and not just the cheesy stuff...the good stuff and lots of it. I don't think they did well on there candy sales this year. This particular bag was a mere $2.49 and will give me 135 pops worth of bribery with my three-year old.
- Kotex - These are on sale for $0.99 and I had a $0.75 coupon.
- GUM Toothbrush (2 pack) - These are on sale for $1.99 and have a $1.99 Single Check Rebate. So, they're free! Brett and I usually use Sonic Care toothbrushes, but I figure that I can use them in an Operation Christmas Child shoebox or stash them away for guests who forget their toothbrushes. Can't beat free.
- VO5 Shampoo & Conditioner - I confess I really don't use this stuff for my hair...but I do use it. We usually use the shampoo as body wash. Yeah, I used to think it was weird that Brett did this before we got married (he grew up doing this). But, once we got married, we were living in Santa Barbara on my $12/hour job and he was in grad school. So, spending $0.79 on a bottle of "body wash" made sense. As for the conditioner, I use it as a frugal substitute as shaving cream. It works really well and is cheaper than shaving cream. Plus, we can use it on Ella's hair in the bath AND mix it with water in a spray bottle to make some cheap hair detangler.
- SoyJoy Bars - Honestly, I've never had them before...but I sure will try them when I get paid to do it! Yes, that's right, this week you can actually make money by purchasing these at Rite Aid. They are on sale for 10 for $5 with a $5 Single Check Rebate. Combine that with this $3 coupon off the purchase of 5 and they're actually paying you to eat them. Not a bad deal.
At select California Stores, these deals are good 10/31 through 11/6. In all other stores, these deals are good 11/2 through 11/8.
Good job, my little grocery geek in training! I'll be curious to hear how you like the SoyJoy bars. From what I hear, paying people to buy them is the only way they can sell them. ;) (I've heard they're not very tasty.)
Yeah, I haven't tried a SoyJoy bar yet. I read online that some people thought they tasted like dirt or dog food. I'll try and let you know. I figure that they might be a good survival food for the glove compartment in the car.
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