
About this Blog

Both growing up in families with 5 children, Brett and I always anticipated raising our children near their cousins...or at least within a two-hour driving distance of some of them. Well, life doesn't always turn out how you plan, and we found ourselves as first-time parents with several siblings living across state lines and our parents still two hours away. Introduced to blogging in 2005 by my big sister Jessica (aka FishMama), I began my blog merely as a way to share photos and anecdotes of Life with Ella with our families and friends who were too far away to see them first-hand.

Of course, life happened, and this blog evolved. In 2008, we added Lucie to our family – hence the name change to Life with Lucie and Ella. In 2011, Brett ended a decade-long teaching career and began to pursue a career in law. This time, we did the moving and relocated to the East Coast for law school. While this blog is still an avenue to keep us connected to our West Coast family, it has become much more. At Life with L and E, you’ll find posts on:

  • Frugal Living:  Since transitioning to a single-income when we started our family, we've had to be frugal by necessity. Thankfully, that hasn't been too difficult of a road to travel since my husband and I both grew up in budget-conscious and do-it-yourself type of families. You'll see a vein of frugal living throughout the posts on Life with L and E. 

  • Budget-Friendly Recipes: One of the benefits of being a stay-at-home mom is that I have (a little) more time to cook. I enjoy trying out new recipes, adapting them to make them healthier and making creations of my own. Because we try to live frugally, I also try to keep my recipes budget-friendly. To make it easier to locate recipes, I've created a Recipe Archive.

  • DIY Crafts: I've always loved crafting; however, most of my "skill" is self-taught. I love seeing something in a store or magazine and trying to make my own version at home for less money. Frequently, I'll post Do It Yourself crafts with photos and detailed instructions. Sometimes when possible, I'll even include free printables. To make it easier to find DIY craft ideas, I've created a DIY Craft archive.

  • Family Fun: My mom was amazing, and boy did she set the bar high! As a result, I am constantly looking for ways to help my family build wonderful memories whether it be through celebrations or everyday activities.

  • My Thoughts and Musings: I know that I don't have everything figured out. Really, who does? But, I enjoy posting my thoughts on motherhood, life at home, and managing a household.

And of course, stories about L and E!

Thanks for joining me as I share about this life that I Life with L and E.